Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A great spring/summer (Bret Ward)

I hope everyone had a great spring/summer this year, I know we did! We got to play at some really great places and meet some awesome people too. We are going to be cutting back on shows for the rest of the year and getting to work on some other stuff (We will fill ya in on that later). I know I don't get on here very much, I have never been a big Internet poster but, that should be changing from now own. I am going to be making post here on the blog and on from time to time. I do see all the Emails and comments though! THANK YOU!! For all the kind words. We have been wanting a form for everyone to leave there comments straight on so we can see whats on your mind and now we should be getting one soon! We will be asking your opinions on some different things coming up. Please keep checking into and see all the cool stuff. Thanks for all your support and have a great fall.
